Monday, February 28, 2011

Drill of Bahasa Indonesia UN Paket C 2011 Kejuruan

Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a normative form of the Riau dialect of Malay, an Austronesian language which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries.

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Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world. Of its large population the number of people who fluently speak Indonesian is fast approaching 100%, thus making Indonesian one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Most formal education, as well as nearly all national media and other forms of communication, are conducted in Indonesian. In East Timor, which was an Indonesian province from 1975 to 1999, Indonesian is recognised by the constitution as one of the two working languages (the other is English, alongside the official languages of Tetum and Portuguese).


Drill of Bahasa Indonesia UN Paket C 2011 IPA

Wondering why there are more and more English speaking people who are looking for Bahasa Indonesia online course? Well, after reading this article, you will soon realize why Bahasa Indonesia online course is booming like crazy and one of the hottest businesses in Indonesia right now.
As a developing country which is rich of natural resources, Indonesia has attracted many foreigners to set up their plants and open their new branch offices in Indonesia. This phenomenon has started a new era in Indonesia. Since these English speaking people have started coming to Indonesia, they will soon realize that most Indonesian people can hardly speak the English language at all.

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Even those who are supposed to be able to communicate in good English, such as taxi drivers and housekeepers. Most conventional Bahasa Indonesia courses require them to travel to other place just to learn the language. Some language courses are able to send their teacher to the learners' house to teach Indonesian. But still these methods do not often work well. Even these super busy expatriates have to change or cancel their meeting just hours before the lesson starts for they have emergency situation which needs taking care of. Therefore the only time available would be early in the morning before work or late at night after work, or any other hours during weekends. But the problem is that many learning institutions don't are still closed at those hours.
Therefore the only solution for these expatriates is to learn the local language through a Bahasa Indonesia online course which enables them to learn the language at those hours. If they join such online courses, it is highly possible to learn early in the morning or during weekends. That way they can still run their business and spend their time with their family and also have time to learn Bahasa Indonesia effectively.
Writing and Speaking Bahasa Indonesia As The Second Language
In the online world nowadays, we have to prepare ourselves in facing one's culture and customs. To be able to get the exact information of the desired target, we need to learn the language of one's culture. The learning acquisition can be taken by through different types of learning methodologies. In the process of learning someone can be as a moveIr, listener or visual learner. One thing that I need to put forward which is probably not new is by taking the language online - based on the interests - traveling, hobby,cooking and etc.
Writing and speaking the second language is a must these days. If you are a traveler and you need to visit a foreign country, then you should at least learn a few words of your country destination. Everyone who needs to learn the culture, custom or history of one nation should also prepare themselves on the language. We never know what is going to happen in the future but when you are prepared in terms of a different language acquisition you will never get lost.
The problem of taking one's language is the lack of time and sources of teaching media which are appropriate with the interests of one's capability. In my opinion, according to the multiple intelligence approaches, one is gifted with different capability in absorbing the second language. Through the invention of internet, it will enable us to learn directly. I am trying to provide you with the online lesson of bahasa Indonesia. you have to trust me for I am an experienced educator for teaching the second language. Come and visit my blog


Drill of Bahasa Indonesia UN Paket C 2011 IPS

The Indonesian name for the language is Bahasa Indonesia (literally "the language of Indonesia"). This term can sometimes still be found in written or spoken English. In addition, the language is sometimes referred to as "Bahasa" by English speakers, though this simply means "language" and thus does not technically specify the Indonesian language.

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Indonesian is a normative form of the Riau dialect of the Malay language, an Austronesian (and Malayo-Polynesian) language originally spoken in Northeast Sumatra which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for half a millennium. It was elevated to the status of official language with the Indonesian declaration of independence in 1945, drawing inspiration from the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth's Oath) event in 1928. However, it does differ from Malaysian in several aspects, with differences in pronunciation and vocabulary. These differences are mainly due to the Dutch and Javanese influences on Indonesian. Indonesian was also influenced by the "bazaar Malay" that was the lingua franca of the archipelago in colonial times, and thus indirectly by the other spoken languages of the islands: Malaysian Malay claims to be closer to the literary Malay of earlier centuries.
Whilst Indonesian is spoken as a mother tongue by only a small proportion of Indonesia's large population (i.e. mainly those who reside within the vicinity of Jakarta), over 200 million people regularly make use of the national language - some with varying degrees of proficiency. In a nation which boasts more than 300 native languages and a vast array of ethnic groups, it plays an important unifying and cross-archipelagic role for the country. Use of the national language is abundant in the media, government bodies, schools, universities, workplaces, amongst members of the Indonesian upper-class or nobility and also in many other formal situations.
Standard and formal Indonesian is used in books and newspapers, on television/radio news broadcasts, however few native Indonesian speakers use formal language in their daily conversations. While this is a phenomenon common to most languages in the world (for example, spoken English does not always correspond to written standards), the degree of "correctness" of spoken Indonesian (in terms of grammar and vocabulary) by comparison to its written form is noticeably low. This is mostly due to Indonesians combining aspects of their own local languages (e.g., Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, and Chinese dialects) with Indonesian. This results in various 'regional' Indonesian dialects, the very types that a foreigner is most likely to hear upon arriving in any Indonesian city or town. This phenomenon is amplified by the use of Indonesian slang, particularly in the cities.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Soal Bahasa Indonesia Snmptn 2008

A total of 308,000 participants of the National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN) failed selection. Therefore, 57 state universities (PTN), which encompass new students through SNMPTN only provide 82,000 seats, while the participants SNMPTN reach 390,000 people.

Results of selection was announced Friday (1 / 8) early days through the internet. SNMPTN participants can see first hand the announcement on the site SNMPTN: or at public universities, such as snmptn.ui. edu,,

State University of Jakarta (UNJ) received 732 new students from 15,000 applicants UNJ people. "Participants SNMPTN who escaped immediately re-list at the specified time beyond the deadline for re-registration can be canceled receipts, except with strong reasons," said Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Zainal Rafli UNJ, Thursday (31 / 7).

It is said, both new S-1 students who pass through SNMPTN regular or Joint Entrance Examination (UMB) no difference in academic UNJ. In fact, tuition was pegged together. For example, every new student at UNJ every semester tuition fee charged Rp 400,000, and cost nonakademik paid only once at the beginning of the college $ 1.5 million.

Some time ago, the Director General of Higher Education (Director General of Higher Education) Education Ministry Fasli Jalal said, SNMPTN the first time held the Directorate General of Higher Education were surprising because public interest is very high for the following selection.

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In fact, had previously been held by the five new student selection by the Association of State Universities Admissions Selection. In fact, enthusiasts SNMPTN it spread to the corners of the province in Indonesia. University of Indonesia, received 20 percent or 900 of the new students of all new students through the SNMPTN.

Directorate General of Higher SNMPTN held it also spreads the scholarship form. Than 16,000 scholarships provided form, only 5,000 people who return the form. Scholarships provided by the government amounted to USD 10 billion in this SNMPTN to pay tuition for two semesters. Number of students receiving scholarships as many as 2,000 students who qualify SNMPTN, especially college students can not afford but potentially.

Soal Bahasa Indonesia Snmptn 2009

National Selection Committee Entrance State University (SNMPTN) 2009 SNMPTN published results on August 1, 2009 promptly at 0:00 pm.

This announcement can be accessed through the website, website several PTN who has worked with the Committee SNMPTN, and print out attached to the PTN respectively. In addition, there are also possibilities contained in local or national media that has worked with the Local Committee SNMPTN.

Thus it is submitted SNMPTN 2009 Committee Chairman Prof. Dr. H. Harish Supratno during a press conference at Hotel The Acacia Jakarta, Thursday (30 / 7).

According to him, participants SNMPTN 2009 increased 9.04 percent compared to last year. Total number of participants SNMPTN this year reached 359,751 people, but received only 92,511 people with the details of as many as 44,504 people to science and social studies as many as 48,007 people.

SNMPTN 2009 Recipient of the highest value for the IPA joined the Faculty of Medicine, UI and to the IPS entry to the Faculty of Psychology UI.

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Meanwhile, Coordinating IT SNMPTN 2009 Prof Ir Priyo Suprobo, MS, PhD, who also attended the press conference, adding SNMPTN valuation method is different from previous times, using methods presentil.

With this method, participants must have enough value in each eye exam to obtain a good average value. "We want all prospective students have an equal ability in every eye exam, not only superior for certain eye exams," he said.

The method has been disosialisaikan presentil to the public since the late 2008 through the mass media. This method is believed to increase the opportunity for participants to lecture on his chosen course of study. "When there are participants who do not pass SNMPTN, not because he was stupid, but could be due to insufficient rataannya value while all the high-choice," he concluded.

Soal Bahasa Indonesia Simak UI 2010

Indonesia University Entrance Selection Test held simultaneously on Sunday (11/04/2010) is produced by 50 local committees in 159 schools in Indonesia, Embassy of Malaysia, and China with the number of participants reached 60,650 participants. The two participants with visual impairments to take the test center at UI Campus, Depok.

"Once again, the UI does not open a special lane, except through AEOS, Listen, and stay abreast of SNMPTN, this form and hope the UI to remain open accessibility and quality of education for the community," said Rector of UI when reviewing the exam Enter Selection, University of Indonesia (UI Consider ) in SMAN 68 Jakarta, Sunday (11/04/2010).

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Head of Communications Office UI to Vishnu Juwono in Jakarta on Friday (09/04/2010), said, the participants Check out the UI this year reached 60,650 students from vocational courses, undergraduate regular, parallel undergraduate, graduate international class, S-2, and S-3.

Materials matter for vocational and undergraduate programs, said Vishnu, among other basic skills, science, and IP. The material about to graduate programs and professional programs is a test of academic potential (TPA) and English. Consider invigilator UI 2010 consisted of 181 faculty, 1796 students, and 56 administrative staff members, who assisted the principals and teachers.


Soal Bahasa Indonesia Simak UI 2009

In 2009 the University of Indonesia opened an entry point for prospective freshmen anymore. By 56 percent of prospective new UI undergraduate students will be accepted through a pathway called the Selection of Entry Consider the University of Indonesia or the UI. Admission selection test conducted by the University of Indonesia itself is open for registration from 19 January 2009.

Moreover, the acceptance by the National Selection Entrance State University or SNM PTN about 5 percent, the Joint Entrance Examination by 5 percent, and the rest through Regional Cooperation and Industry, track and academic achievement. Each year, the UI receives about 5,000 new students a degree program.

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Rector of the University of Indonesia Gumilar Rusliwa Soemantri said on Tuesday (6 / 1), the universities will remain concerned with the quality and high standards in the selection process, rather than financial ability. Tuition will be adjusted to the direction you take and the economic ability of students. "There is also a scholarship," he said.

Consider the revenue model through the UI that is integrated into the UI selection test was applied for admission in all educational programs that exist in the UI. For S1, online registration and open from 19 January to 19 February 2009, while the selection test was held on March 1, 2009. There are local committees in 40 cities across Indonesia, which can help participants who want to register. Especially for areas that are still difficulties accessing the internet. Information regarding the acceptance of new models that can be accessed via

Soal Bahasa Indonesia UMB PTN 2010

Joint Entrance Exams State University (UMB PTN) 2010 followed by 12 PTN, namely Kuala University, the University Malikussaleh, North Sumatra University, Andalas University, Padang State University, State University of Jambi, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta State University, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Semarang State University, University of Palangkaraya, and UIN Alauddin Makassar. Earlier, in 2009 ago, UMB PTN PTN followed only seven.

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UMB PTN time offers 493 courses are available with a capacity of 10,300 seats. Chairman of the Admissions Selection societies Nusantara (P-SPMBN) Asman Boedi Santoso said, UMB PTN this time held simultaneously on May 22, 2010. If during this 3-year exams conducted during the two days, this year's exam was held for one day only.

"Implementation of the test conducted on 9 Local Organizing Committee (PPL) and 10 outlets, namely Palembang, Pekanbaru, Lampung, Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung, Cirebon, Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Pontianak," he told reporters on Thursday (22 / 4 / 2010) in Jakarta.

Soal Bahasa Indonesia UMB PTN 2009

Society Selection Admissions Nusantara (PSPMBN) of 2009 will hold a Joint Entrance Examination State University (UMB PTN), which can accommodate 8436 students for 291 courses.

UMB Chief Coordinator of PTN, Sutjipto, PSPMBN office in Salemba, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (28 / 4) said, as many as seven PTN incorporated in UMB. UMB Registration opens 27 April until May 26 via the website and the implementation of test 6 to June 7, 2009.

Seven PTN incorporated in the UMB is the University of Indonesia (UI), State University of Jakarta (UNJ), State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, UIN Makassar, Kuala University (Aceh), University of Jambi, and North Sumatra University.

Sutjipto said, than in 2008, PTN who joined PSPMBN increased three and one less. PTN newly joined UMB is Siah Kuala University, UIN Makassar and Universitas Jambi. While PTN who resigned from UMB is Hasanuddin University.

However, the capacity provided by UMB in 2009 was down compared to 2008, from 10,672 students to 8436 students. Decrease in capacity is due PTN PTN UMB participants also held a self exam. For example, UI and UNJ also selecting new students through self-examination that is able to receive 50 percent of new students. While through UMB, PTN is only providing new student seats about 10-15 percent.

PTN UMB this year provides an opportunity for prospective students to choose four courses. UMB Participants can also register through the Internet. "Until now that has signed up 1489 people," said Sutjipto. In 2008 participants recorded 98,426 people UMB PTN.

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While Chairman PSPMBN, Asman Budi Santosa, said predictive selection by perhimpunannya ensure that graduate students can complete their studies UMB. "Our strength is able to predict the future students and the only one that has predictive ability SNCA. For 30 years we have created a problem with good quality and we have the indicator, "he said.

To erode the image of college in the more prestigious than the private PTN, PSPMBN start this year also held UMB Private Colleges or universities.


Soal Bahasa Indonesia UMB PTN 2008

UMB is entered with a written test to five PTN, namely UI, UNJ, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Medan USU, and Hasanuddin University in Makassar.

These days will be as oppressive for those who want to seek higher education.

"Now more and more how to register with the PTN, but it must find its own information or ask the school. But, what makes us dizzy, PTN is now beginning commercial, "said Arif.

"I just hang up the results from UMB and SNMPTN this, hopefully I stay out SNMPTN baseball," said Kartini Barrel.

Each system has a capacity of recruitment is different. GMU, for example, received 30 percent of new students from the search path seeds, 65 percent through the written test, and 5 percent of the remainder through the SNMPTN.

UNJ open lines of search revenue interests and abilities (PMDK) with a quota of 10 percent, UMB 30-35 percent, and the rest SNMPTN.

Actually if you go PTN first target for any reason, such as low fees, you must have a strategy. For example, installing the first choice with major prestigious (high passing grade) and second choice for the department which is roughly enthusiasts quiet (low passing grade.)

Therefore, ask your teacher or guidance counselor in learning to know the passing grade for each course of study. Know your capacity before, just adjust to the passing grade for each course of study.

Indeed, many ways to get in the PTN. To be able to enter PTN kemungkinanmu higher, you do have to hold information on procedures for incoming PTN, which have various lane entrance that way.

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Enter a variety of ordinances that also apply to the diploma program. Please remember, every college has a procedure that was different entrance.

To obtain various information, most easily via the website PTN desired.

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Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN SMA 2009

From the implementation of the National High School Exam April 20 to 24, especially science majors, in Ende, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, the participants complained about the subjects of Mathematics and the Indonesian language as it is considered relatively high difficulty level.

"Students generally complained about math, especially for science majors. Another question that also complain about the Indonesian language. After the scrutiny of teachers majoring in Science, Mathematics about this time the weight equivalent to college level," said the head of the Catholic high school Frateran Ndao Brother Mary Sarto BHK Friday (24 / 4), in Ende.

Due to this condition, Brother Sarto estimate students in achieving value for Mathematics is not too optimal.

Teacher science stream SMAK Frateran Ndao Mariana Severantas say, the time provided for students to do 40 about Math for 120 minutes is not enough.

"Especially with this kind of weight, the average student is required to solve a problem in 3 minutes is quite heavy. For solving a mathematics problem that also must go through several stages," said Mariana.

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"It was indeed very difficult, such as the partial integral more than 2 questions," said Maria Yuliati Tekuleka, students SMAK Frateran Ndao Programs IPA.

"Content-dimensional space if no one got up to 6 questions, should not have a lot, because it is very difficult," said another student, Theresa Tyo Sarina.

In addition, Brother Sarto also expressed, to question Indonesian discourse model very much, this raises its own difficulties for students.

Separately Principal Vidya SMAK Midshipman John Lenta agree with Frater Sarto.

"From the input of teachers, material about Indonesian laden long discourse, which requires logical thinking of students. If students do not usually read newspapers or watch television news broadcasts would be difficult to do the problems of this kind," said John Lenta.
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Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN SMA 2008

Although the Indonesian language teaching taught from primary school to higher education, the competence of Indonesian students are not encouraging. Data results of national examinations (UN) three years show impairment of the Indonesian language. During this Indonesian student placed as a less favorite, after the subjects of other exact sciences and social sciences.

This condition is worsened, because the Indonesian language in some schools in the area, taught by teachers out of field of study of language families, among others from the fields of law, religion, sports, history, even math. Indonesian teacher issue not only in a matter of quantity, but more on quality.

Similarly, the red thread that raised in the panel last day of IX Congress of Indonesian, Friday (31/10) in Jakarta. The fact about learning the Indonesian language and Indonesian language teacher concern was expressed by Director General of Ministry of Education PMPTK Baedhowi, The Center for Educational Assessment, Research and Education Ministry Burhanuddin Tola, and Chairman of the Association of Programs / Courses Education Studies Indonesian Endry Boeriswati.

Baedhowi say, the effectiveness of the process of achieving quality education were highly correlated with the essence of the communication process that occurs, and this is closely connected with the ability to use the Indonesian language. All forms of the process of improving the quality of human resources through education that has been done and most use the Indonesian language. Thus, through the Indonesian happen absorption of knowledge.

"The use and development of Indonesian to be one aspect of nation building, even a number of experts have been using and taking into account the Indonesian language as an indicator to show the quality of Indonesian human," he said.

Yet, ironically, the ability of Indonesian students' mastery of high school is still low. Indonesian students' competence is still not good, because what happens is a decrease and not increase from the previous year. Data Puspendik Average Score National Examination Subject Indonesian Year 2006, 2007, and 2008 that cited Baedhowi disclose that fact.

Junior high level, the average value of Indonesian in 2006 was 7.46, in 2007 dropped to 7.39, and in 2008 fell 7.00. Language school average score, 2006, 2007, 2008 is 7.40, 7.08, 6.56. SMA IPA in 2006 the average value of 7.90, in 2007 the average 7.56, and in 2008 an average of 7.60. While the high school social studies average values Indonesian UN 7.26 (2006), 6.95 (2007), and 6.95 (2008).

Similar data are more complete, the last 15 years, also disclosed Burhanuddin Tola. This condition occurs because the primary purpose of assessment is often neglected, poorly understood by all parties. Which necessitated only score alone. In effect, the score obtained by students who have not been used optimally to support mastery learning.

Burhanuddin also revealed students' reading skills profile data 15 years the international level, in 2003. These data demonstrate the ability to read the 2003 junior high school students ranked 38th of 40 countries.

Not met

Less favorite Indonesian make low-interest student majored in Indonesian. Department of Indonesian language in a number of college students lack some even threatened to close.

In fact, according Endry Indonesian teacher needs is increasing from year to year, not only as a substitute teacher who retired formation but also fill the new formation. Needs have not been fulfilled, so that these formations there are filled by non-Indonesian teachers. "To pursue the quantity is not met, then what about the pursuit of quality?" he said.

Endry depicts that the Indonesian teacher needs not met by LPTKs. Mentioned, which has a number LPTK Indonesian education courses both public and private sector in Indonesia is approximately 250. If each program of study each year produces 50 teachers only, meaning there are 1,250 prospective teachers. It is not sufficient for a good field to change the formation or the addition of the formation. Therefore, it can be understood in case of infiltration of professionalism.

According Endry, Indonesian teacher position is a strategic position not only for the sake of education but also political interests. Indonesian teacher has a political mandate as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution, namely Indonesian is the national language of Indonesia.

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"Thus there must be not only the presence of Indonesian teacher only, but Indonesian teacher who is able to maintain the sustainability of Indonesian language as the language of the country and educate the Indonesian people able to speak Indonesian," he explained.

IX Congress of Indonesian, Friday (31/10) closed with a procession of operetta staging Indonesian Love by Eksotika Karmawibhangsa Indonesia, poetry readings by Inne Febriyanti, and a message by Ismet Fanany, Convenor Indonesian Studies, and professor of Deakin University, Australia. Also offering songs by Ebiet G Ade.

Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN SMP 2010

I do not know what is wrong with the Indonesian language. On the National Examination two weeks ago, a high school student participants complained about the difficulty of UN Indonesian problems they face. This time, the exam the first day of junior high school examination, on Monday (5 / 5), a class IX student SMPN 3 Jakarta who met also complained the same thing. "Pretty hard," he answered when asked a few students this first test day.

Good Herman, one of the students, said, the matter of reading are tested too much so, according to him, too draining the brain. "It's hard really, especially reading ribet! Reading too long, so tired of thinking," he said after attending the UN.

Good Fellow, Riza, also experienced the same thing. In addition to reading comprehension are considered difficult, a class IX student was also trouble in the matter of poetry. "What determines the free rhyme. Tau ah, difficult. How many readings, nyari main idea, the headers, so it should be more careful because aja read. Moreover nemuin answer," he said.

In fact, Riza feel have prepared themselves well for the exam today. Every day, hundreds of problems facing Indonesian working on for the sake of 50 questions that tested. However, students who hope to go to high school 26 or 37 is still optimistic high school graduation. "Despite the very high standard, sure aja deh," he said with a smile.

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Unfortunately, to confirm the complaints from these students, the teachers who teach Indonesian nothing could be found. Therefore, the subject teachers deliberately excluded as subjects taught will be tested.

IX class students across Indonesia will determine graduation for 4 days, from 5 to 8 May. Subjects tested this year is Indonesian, English, Mathematics, and Science.

Graduation standards must have a minimum average value of 5.25 for all subjects tested, with no value below 4.25. Or, has a value of at least 4 in one subject with a value of at least 6 other subjects.

Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN SMP 2009

Sunny Karenina Halim (22) has been crowned as Miss Indonesia 2009. In the final, Nina, so she was usually called, answered questions fluently in English. But who would have thought Nina would be difficult to speak in Indonesian.

By the judges, Nina considered to have a plus from the spirit of social life, plus agility and accuracy in answering the questions posed jury.

"Nina had a social life and the answers too weighty," said Liliana Tanoesoedibjo, Chairman of the jury, after the show. Value lebihnya, Nina answer all questions in fluent English, is straightforward, confident and calm.

Tantowi Host mentions that the winner of Miss Indonesia Indonesia is a beautiful woman, knowledgeable, and talented.

Nina who was born in Jakarta June 13, 1986 This is a Christian home schooling dropout Vocational Academy. Nina has a 6 degree diploma, namely in the field of Public Relations, Sales and Marketing, Primary Teeching, Economics, Performing Arts, and Music and Arts. This beautiful girl is active in NGOs.

Then, the girl who has a principle of the happiness of others above his own happiness is never go down a teacher for children of tsunami victims in Aceh. Now, Nina teaches at a junior high school in Jakarta.

But this one teacher's mother was not exactly fluent in Indonesian. According to his brother, artist Steve Emmanuel, Nina in their daily life is often speak in English, because having a mother from Montana, USA.

"I still need to learn Indonesian language, and memorize culture throughout 33 provinces in Indonesia," said Nina, the youngest of four children. Three days after the coronation, Nina will start work as Miss Indonesia. Originally, Nina will conduct social activities for children in Vietnam, along with Miss World.

Steve was surprised and proud of the victory of his brother. According to Steve, the new family know this Kerenina participation, one-two weeks before the finals were held.

"I was initially convinced baseball at all, because fame and wealth is not the purpose of life Nina," said Steve. According to Steve, his parents educate their children so as not oriented to worldly fame and wealth alone.

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Title of Miss Indonesia 2009 fell into the hands Kerenina Sunny Halim, finalists from DKI Jakarta. Embedding the crown to be Miss Indonesia 2008 Nina, Sandra Angelia, accompanied by Miss World 2008, Ksenia Sukhinova, in the evening peak of Miss Indonesia 2009 election that was held at Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan, Friday (5 / 6). This event was broadcast live by television station RCTI.

This victory will lead Nina into Indonesian representative in the event the election of Miss World to be held this year in Johannesburg, South Africa. Runner-up I Miss Indonesia won by contestants from West Sulawesi, Melati Putri Kusuma Dewi, and Runner-up II was a participant from Bali, Viviane.

Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN SD 2009

The first day, Tuesday (12 / 5), the implementation of Indonesian UASBN in SD Islam Al-Azhar University, Jakarta, went smoothly. Even some students are able to do the problems as much as 50 question more quickly than the time given. "Ordinary aja. 30 minutes is complete, check again 30 minutes," said Amalia, 11, one pupil.

Given two hours long felt for her. Students native Jakarta, said the problems of Education is much more easily than a matter of try out a given school. Amalia says the overall concept about a given party and the diujiankan same school. But when do try out, most of the answers about the school more 'trap' let students more thoroughly. "The issue of school more difficult. Lattice-kisinya same school but from many trap. This time (exam UASBN) did not," said the couple's daughter Aisha Ali Jufri and this Mulachela.

No wonder the students who wanted to be a heart doctor is sure if he graduated to these subjects. Even exceed the target of 4.0 provided the school. Amalia easily solve problems faster because these subjects are 'special' for her. Students who wish to continue their education in junior high acceleration is not simply to follow these subjects at school like hundreds of other friends, but he believed the race several times Indonesian.

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Achievements also briefly held. Call it as the second winner Indonesian competition Seal-Azhar primary schools in Indonesia in 2007. Meanwhile, for the same event in 2008, he ranked first.

Asked about his preparation for exams this time, Amalia admitted only rely on the try out a given school and learn self-taught who was accompanied by her sister. He is not interested in taking Bimbel. "Try it out as much as good times. That's a lot of help. The more try out his more help," he said.


Soal Bahasa Indonesia Snmptn 2010

National Selection Committee Entrance State University (SNMPTN) 2010 set more stringent requirements for its participants. Some rules are made more rigorous than last year.

"Participants should really seriously and prepare well in advance of the exam," said Executive Secretary of the Local Committee SNMPTN Bandung, Asep Gana Suganda, Thursday (20 / 5) in Bandung.

SNMPTN conducted simultaneously in Indonesia, 16-17 June. In Bandung, the selection held by the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung Institute of Technology, State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati, and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Total participants estimated at 27,000 people. Supervisors who are involved 2,700 people. Up to 0845 yesterday, the number of participants who have to register as many as 13,162 people.

Asep Gana said one of its provisions, participants will not be tolerated late into the exam room. Place the test has been determined in advance and registration marks are written on the card. So, if late, examinees forever barred and must try again next year.

He wished the participants a test to check the location of the exam prior to implementation to anticipate the wrong place. Checking the location is also important to anticipate the unexpected, such as congestion, which could make a late participant.

"Last year many students late to exams for many reasons. Not only participant from outside the area, but also the city of Bandung. Now it will not be tolerated. The candidate immediately fall," he said.

In addition, participants performed the data validation directly in the classroom to prevent negative things, such as indications SNMPTN jockey. If the data proved no match, participants are prohibited to take the test.

July 7

Responding to student concerns national examinees (UN) are afraid of re-registration deadlines past SMPTN, Asep Gana ensure it did not happen. UN graduation announcement re-established on 7 July. There are five days to register before the deadline of July 12 at 16.00.

Concerns arose because the Ministry of National Education set a deadline of re-examination of graduation announcements July 12, right at the deadline. "Do not worry, there is a chance to register," he said.

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The same thing is said to Chairman of West Java UN Asep Hilman. He said the UN graduation announcement for some 14,000 participants repeated in Indonesia confirmed on 7 July, before the time of registration SNMPTN ends. However, he added, if could be accelerated, it would be good news for prospective participants to join UN SNMPTN birthday.

However, Asep Hilman said, most likely Package C UN participants have no chance to follow SNMPTN because of new graduation announcement made in October. Nevertheless, he hoped the UN graduates Package C is not worried about their future. Diplomas they possess can be utilized to enter private universities. According to him, many private colleges are better quality than public universities.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Theory of Bahasa Indonesia SMP Exam

Wondering why there are more and more English speaking people who are looking for Bahasa Indonesia online course? Well, after reading this article, you will soon realize why Bahasa Indonesia online course is booming like crazy and one of the hottest businesses in Indonesia right now.

Download Theory of Bahasa Indonesia UN SMP 2011 according to grid UN 2010/2011

As a developing country which is rich of natural resources, Indonesia has attracted many foreigners to set up their plants and open their new branch offices in Indonesia. This phenomenon has started a new era in Indonesia. Since these English speaking people have started coming to Indonesia, they will soon realize that most Indonesian people can hardly speak the English language at all. Even those who are supposed to be able to communicate in good English, such as taxi drivers and housekeepers. Most conventional Bahasa Indonesia courses require them to travel to other place just to learn the language.

Some language courses are able to send their teacher to the learners' house to teach Indonesian. But still these methods do not often work well. Even these super busy expatriates have to change or cancel their meeting just hours before the lesson starts for they have emergency situation which needs taking care of. Therefore the only time available would be early in the morning before work or late at night after work, or any other hours during weekends. But the problem is that many learning institutions don't are still closed at those hours.
Therefore the only solution for these expatriates is to learn the local language through a Bahasa Indonesia online course which enables them to learn the language at those hours. If they join such online courses, it is highly possible to learn early in the morning or during weekends. That way they can still run their business and spend their time with their family and also have time to learn Bahasa Indonesia effectively.

Complete Theory of Bahasa Indonesia SD Exam

Another name for the Indonesian language is Bahasa Indonesia. From the name itself, you can tell that it is the official language of the country Indonesia. It has just been in that status since 1945 when the country gained its independence. The country is made up of about 7,508 islands and it is considered the world's fourth most populous country in the world with a population of over 237 million. That is why you can never tell that the Malay-looking individual you are seated with on the bus is an Indonesian or has Indonesian descent.
The Indian culture has a strong influence on Indonesia. In fact if you're going to check it the word Indonesia came from Indus meaning India and nesos which means island in Greek. It has also been conquered by many foreign traders and rulers. The Muslims had brought along Islam while different European traders fought over what they termed as "Spice Islands." It was only after the Dutch succumbed that the country earned their independence.

Download Complete Theory and Resources of Bahasa Indonesia UN SD 2011 according to grid UN 2010/2011

  1. A Brief Theory of Indonesian UN SD

  2. Content Guide Indonesian UN SD

  3. Problem Specification Indonesian UN SD

  4. Simulation Problem Indonesian UN SD

Being in a strategic location as to its neighboring countries Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Philippines, East Timor, and Australia, it is a great place for trading, and it has been the main foundation of its economy. The reason why the country now is defined by poverty is the sectarianism and extreme separatism of its social sectors. You see the Indonesian society is made up of several groups of religious, ethnic, and linguistic groups. One of the major factors that contribute to its unity despite several factions is its national language: the Indonesian language. That's how significant is the language to them. So if you are trying to impress a business partner prospect or is about to be wedded to an Indonesian, it would be a good and sure way to earn his trust and loyalty if you know his language.
The Indonesian language is also one of the most spoken languages in the world. Many people would still call the language Bahasa although the word itself only means language.
East Timor which used to be an annexed island of the country now declared Indonesian as one of the two working languages in the country, next to English. You would love to be in Indonesia as well if you are an environmentalist. The biodiversity life in Indonesia is rich and the second highest in the world. They owe it to the vast expanse of wilderness found in the country.
Now that you know how interesting it is to learn the Indonesian language, you can do so by using the Pimsleur audio language learning program which allows you to learn it at your own pace and without stern language trainers. Just plug in the audio book in your iPod and you can listen to it even while you are asleep. You can get a copy from The Talking Book Store.

Theory of Bahasa Indonesia SMK Exam

The Indonesian language or Bahasa Indonesia is the official national language of Indonesia. It is known as a language that uses agglutination or the process of adding affixes to the base word. This means most of the words in the language are formed by joining different words together. This beautiful language is based on one version of the classical Malay of the Riau-Johor Sultanate.
The Indonesian language was first proclaimed as the official language of the country of Indonesia because of the declaration of Indonesian independence in the year 1945 and is currently spoken by almost all of Indonesia's two hundred forty million inhabitants, making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the whole world. The Indonesian language as a modern dialect of Malay has borrowed a great deal of its words and pronunciation from many languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Persian, Portuguese, Sanskrit and many other languages. This makes it a truly fascinating and magnificent language to learn.

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There are many ways to learn Indonesian but the easiest and most cutting edge way to do so is through the use of Indonesian audio language tapes. Audio courses are based on the main idea that anticipation, graduated interval recall, learning core vocabulary, and organic learning help the student learn more and as a faster pace than conventional language courses. These tapes cover not only spoken Indonesian but also dabble a little in reading and writing the language.
The best part about this method of learning is that aside from being cheaper from enrolling in an Indonesian language course at a school or hiring a private tutor, it gives you the option of being mobile as you go about learning. You just pop the tape or cd into your stereo or even download it into your mp3 player and you can enjoy listening to your language lessons while on the move, in your car, doing chores or even while you are jogging to keep fit.
Another supreme benefit of using Indonesian audio language lessons is that you can continue learning even while you are in a deep sleep. You can listen to your lessons while you are lying in bed at night or even during naps. Studies say that listening to your audio lessons while your mind is in a state of sleep enables you to learn more effectively since your mind is absorbing all of this new information into your subconscious.
An added perk for using Indonesian language audio lessons is that every time you find yourself unsure that you have mastered the lesson you just finished, you can just rewind or repeat the audio lesson at no additional cost, as many times that you desire.

Theory of Bahasa Indonesia SMA Exam

Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a normative form of the Riau dialect of Malay, an Austronesian language which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries.
Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world. Of its large population the number of people who fluently speak Indonesian is fast approaching 100%, thus making Indonesian one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Most formal education, as well as nearly all national media and other forms of communication, are conducted in Indonesian. In East Timor, which was an Indonesian province from 1975 to 1999, Indonesian is recognised by the constitution as one of the two working languages (the other is English, alongside the official languages of Tetum and Portuguese).

The Indonesian name for the language is Bahasa Indonesia (literally "the language of Indonesia"). This term can sometimes still be found in written or spoken English. In addition, the language is sometimes referred to as "Bahasa" by English speakers, though this simply means "language" and thus does not technically specify the Indonesian language.

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Indonesian is a normative form of the Riau dialect of the Malay language, an Austronesian (and Malayo-Polynesian) language originally spoken in Northeast Sumatra which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for half a millennium. It was elevated to the status of official language with the Indonesian declaration of independence in 1945, drawing inspiration from the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth's Oath) event in 1928. However, it does differ from Malaysian in several aspects, with differences in pronunciation and vocabulary. These differences are mainly due to the Dutch and Javanese influences on Indonesian. Indonesian was also influenced by the "bazaar Malay" that was the lingua franca of the archipelago in colonial times, and thus indirectly by the other spoken languages of the islands: Malaysian Malay claims to be closer to the literary Malay of earlier centuries.
Whilst Indonesian is spoken as a mother tongue by only a small proportion of Indonesia's large population (i.e. mainly those who reside within the vicinity of Jakarta), over 200 million people regularly make use of the national language - some with varying degrees of proficiency. In a nation which boasts more than 300 native languages and a vast array of ethnic groups, it plays an important unifying and cross-archipelagic role for the country. Use of the national language is abundant in the media, government bodies, schools, universities, workplaces, amongst members of the Indonesian upper-class or nobility and also in many other formal situations.
Standard and formal Indonesian is used in books and newspapers, on television/radio news broadcasts, however few native Indonesian speakers use formal language in their daily conversations. While this is a phenomenon common to most languages in the world (for example, spoken English does not always correspond to written standards), the degree of "correctness" of spoken Indonesian (in terms of grammar and vocabulary) by comparison to its written form is noticeably low. This is mostly due to Indonesians combining aspects of their own local languages (e.g., Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, and Chinese dialects) with Indonesian. This results in various 'regional' Indonesian dialects, the very types that a foreigner is most likely to hear upon arriving in any Indonesian city or town. This phenomenon is amplified by the use of Indonesian slang, particularly in the cities.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Download Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN 2010

Internal (Indonesian specific) Barriers- Indonesia is a country with a huge potential internal consumer base. However at this stage the consumers we target are based in Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali and Bandung. Outside of these cities, the market is very small. The cities mentioned have a combined population of close to perhaps 40 million inhabitants. However our target market is middle to upper-class Indonesians and expatriates- making up perhaps a market as small as 1.5 million potential consumers. Of this number those interested or those whose buying decisions are based solely on our efforts to trade fairly with our partners is probably as little as 10,000 people or less.

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Fair trade, relationship coffee and organic partnerships play an important part in the retail coffee market overseas. As much as 38% of the coffee market in the USA is engaged in some form of certified or direct relationship with growers (fair-trade, organic, shade-grown, bird-friendly etc). In the Indonesian market understanding of relationship coffee and/or fair-trade is weak. This is for a number of reasons- lack of education and understanding of the coffee market is perhaps one major reason. Most urban Indonesians view the agricultural sector as being both remote and removed from their lives. The closest many modern Indonesians come to being in contact with farmers is buying produce in Supermarkets. Wet markets are these days mainly the domain of the modern Indonesians house staff, where produce is purchased. This dislocation affects all sectors of the agricultural community but most directly effects sectors where fair trade pricing could be easily implemented- coffee, chocolate, tobacco etc. While there is a general acceptance that organic, chemical free product has a place in the Indonesian market, the bridge to a fair trade product is harder to cross. Organic coffee is perceived as being good for the consumer (drinker). Shade grown coffee is seen as being good for the environment. Fairly trade coffee is actually good for the drinker, environment and community... so really the focus should be on fair trade. Paying the farmers a decent return for their product results in-
- farmers staying on their land instead of migrating to the cities. - Great coffee. A problem in Indonesia is a lot of the coffee harvested ends up as poorly graded stock. As a result coffee is picked green or let on the trees until over ripe. With decent returns this cycle can be broken. Great coffee= higher demand= better returns to the farmer.
- Economic and social stability. Farmers staying on the land means skills are put back into agricultural practices. Best practices means using natural means to maintain quality crop in harmony with the village. Natural sprays for pest control (such as tobacco) are used to minimize damage to the cherries. Decent returns means the village can build facilities and diversify economic systems (introduce other crops, livestock etc)
- Also maintaining coffee crops, especially in a water catchment area, can help to reduce flooding damage further down on the flat, alluvial plains. In many areas Coffee can be grown under primary or even secondary forest canopy.
The Indonesian domestic market also has a topsy turvy view of local product vs. imported product. A survey we undertook (1) amongst Indonesian customers showed that nearly 85% of Indonesians preferred "coffee grown in Italy" to "coffee grown in Indonesia". Italy grows no coffee. They import green coffee from producing countries such as Indonesia, India, Vietnam etc, roast and then re-export the finished product. When questioned what is important to them as buyers of coffee, "fair-trade" rated 9th out of 10th in regards to importance (10th and of least importance was type of package- tin, box or sachet). In fact when asked about buying "espresso blend" coffee, 90% of all respondents said they would only buy Espresso blended in Italy. A further 9% said they would consider buying "Espresso" blended/roasted in Australia, New Zealand, Japan or China. Less than 1% said they would consider buying/using "any Espresso blended/roasted" in Indonesia. To most respondents important was flavor, followed by aroma, packaging, design. It offers opportunities that benefit everyone through a complex supply chain- including of course the Jakarta based buyer of a cappuccino in Starbucks or Merdeka Coffee.
2/. Eternal Factors:. Fair trade is a principle of great importance for the present and future of coffee in Indonesia. From very positive beginning, in recent years the certification systems have become quite complex, as well as expensive to obtain. Certification through Transfair and similar organizations in the USA and Europe can be very, if not prohibitively expensive for small growers and small cooperatives. Fair trade (as well as 'organic' and 'shade grown') is actually monitored in the large USA market via the FDA. Unless certification is obtained through a FDA approved agency, the words "fair-trade" etc can not be printed on the packaging. However in reality it can prevent a small roaster or US broker from setting up a direct trade system which indeed pays recognized fair-trade prices directly to a grower. In the 15 or so years since fair-trade was established, only 3 Indonesian growers have obtained certification. This is an amazingly low number considering Indonesia is the world's 4th biggest coffee producer. Conversely Costa Rica, the worlds 14th biggest producer, has 75 certified FTL (Fair-trade Label) producers! The reasons for this are that fair-trade is not ideally suited to small-hold or even small cooperative growing groups. The Indonesian certified growers (such as PKGO in Aceh and Gayo Mountain in Aceh) have over 10,000 growers. The number of growers needed to obtain leverage for certification means that coffee ends up being 'pooled' or sourced from large growing areas. Instead of allowing the specific characteristics of coffee grown in a very small growing area to shine through, the big coop system dilutes the real perfection of small-holder grown coffee. This is a flaw with the current approach to fair-trade, one which was designed perhaps to work best with the Finca, or estate growing systems in Central and South America.
While the demands for Arabica coffee grow year on year, the ability of roasters in countries such as the USA to reach growers directly in countries such as Indonesia remain limited. Many growers in Indonesia are located in remote mountain areas. As a result most coffee exporters are located in the big port cities- Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and Semarang. These exporters are not growers but brokers and/or finishers and packagers of raw green bean product. Buyers by default will often go through the contacts that they have in these export cities, not realizing often that these contacts are only exporter/brokers. Ultimately the growers never have a direct interface with the buyers. Most Indonesian coffee growers are producing anywhere from 1000-8000kg a year- in a cooperative/village situation. One container of coffee is 18,000kg of coffee. The coffee must be dried to a minimal moisture content, finished (can include being polished) and of course be packed free of stones, sticks, faulty beans by a pre-agreed screen size into 60kg sacks. While growing and preliminary drying can be achieved at village level, the additional finishing can not- as machinery, technology etc is not available to many communities. If the remote villages did have a direct access to the market and if the machinery to finish and ultimately ship from the growing location was available, then a direct for of fair-trade would for sure be more than a possibility. There are cases in Central America where small-holders can make excellent returns from coffee- due to its rarity, quality and appeal to specialty roasters is Europe, America and Japan.
Overall the domestic market in Indonesia is driven by branding. Branding itself can be split into two segments- the international and the local brand names. Premium branding is seen as being the foreign coffee labels and cafes (Illy, Maxwell House and Lavazza for coffee and Starbucks, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf etc for cafes). These big brand operators globally roast extremely high volumes of coffee. The volumes they deal in often makes direct procurement using certified fair-trade systems impractical. This is not to say these brands do not have their own internal fair/equitable trade systems, however the volumes in question means that often they can not have a direct purchasing system from small hold growers in place, and they need to operate purchasing through a number of local partners and brokers. Therefore it is fairly rare to see retailers in Jakarta selling and educating their clients about fair and equitable trade with brokers. Also as the roasting industry in Indonesia is still mainly focused on producing bulk for the lower end/instant market, there are few roasters who are seen as being educators such as those who are found in specialty markets such as the US and NZ. Ultimately the specialty market in Indonesia is still in its infancy, the move to drinkers buying coffee product based on social issues rather than brand awareness is perhaps still at least 4-5 years away, if not longer!
Local Brand operators such as Excelso, Regal, Kopi Luwak, Brew and Co etc are appealing to a different segment of the market. This segment is very price conscious, and perhaps less well educated, less well paid than those who frequent the international brands. The local segment here is large, growing, but very competitive and perhaps less brand loyal than that found in the Premium Branding segment. Here as mentioned in the first paragraph, there is little concern about the welfare of the farmer and the growing community. The consumers want to enjoy a coffee, cake, meal and socialize. The local café brands also produce locally sourced coffee, so in theory they would be in the best position to champion fair-trade. However the bulk of the coffee blends sold by local producers are Robusta rich, mirroring the taste requirements of the local client base (mainly based on the finely ground Robusta kopi tobruk found in most Indonesian kitchens!). Robusta is still the main coffee type produced in Indonesia, and it certainly is an area where fair-trade struggles to make any impact. The historically flat prices for Robusta, combined with the lack of interest in the coffee from the more political active specialty coffee sector, means that Robusta remains a low price commodity, rather than a product that has value added by roasters skill. The squeeze on pricing for the local café chains, as well as Robusta's role in the equation, means that any concept of fair-trade would struggle in the local sector of the café market in Indonesia.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Drill of Bahasa Indonesia for Unpad

Bintan is one of the islands of Riau Archipelago of Indonesia. From here you can see the importance of Bintan island.
Compared with Batam, Bintan is richer in its history. In conjunction with this background, it has more historical sites to visit.
Bintan's history is intertwined closely with those of Malacca and Johor Sultanates. Bintan and the rest of Riau Arcipelago were ruled by the Malacca Sultanate. When the Portuguese attacked Malacca in 1511, its king fled to Pahang of Malay Peninsula and later to Bintan where he tried to repossess Malacca. His successor moved to Johor and established the Johor Sultanate.

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Later, the Dutch gained control of Bintan island. However, the Dutch was later driven out by a force supported by Malacca Sultanate.
In 1824, the Treaty of London finally settled that the islands south of Singapore are Dutch Territories. Again Bintan was under the control of the Dutch.
Pulau Penyengat is a must see historical site for visitors. It is situated at about 6km from Tanjung Pinang. It was the religious, cultural and administration centre of the region in 19th century. Sultan Mahmud Shah of Malacca gave this island to his bride, Raja Hamidah, daughter of Raja Ali Haji, the Bugis commander of Bintan, in an attempt to reach peace between the Malay and the Bugis. A grand mosque, Masjid Raya was built on the island. The mosque is huge and is visible from Tanjung Pinang.
Raja Ali Haji was the hero to Bintan's people. Within the town of Tanjung Pinang, there is a Dutch Colonial Graveyard which reflects the life of the seamen at the old days.
Banyan Tree Temple is a popular place for the local Chinese community and Singaporean visitors. It is situated in a town called Senggarang. For holiday makers, there are broadly 2 areas for you to choose i.e. Lagoi (Bintan Resorts) at the northern part or Trikora Beach at the east of the island.
Lagoi is full of high end resorts like Banyan Tree Resort and Club Med Ria. These are exclusive resorts complete with golf courses designed by world renowned golf course designers.
Resorts and hotels at theTrikora Beach are affordable to average visitors. To name a few: Bintan Agro Beach Resorts, resorts complete with fishing facilities like Ocean Bay Resort and Kolam Kelong Trikora. There is even a resort providing diving guide i.e. Traveler Pondok Wisita. Visitors may stay in its air-conditioned or non-air-conditioned rooms overnight before diving.

Drill of Bahasa Indonesia for UMB PTN

Indonesia is the largest and most sprawling archipelago in the world, with more than 17,000 islands. Travelers to Indonesia on a tight schedule, or otherwise concerned with delays, should definitely take a package or escorted tour. The following is a 13-day travel itinerary for Indonesia:

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Day 1 - Arrive Jakarta.
2 - Jakarta.
3 - Fly to Yogyakarta.
4 - Yogyakarta.
5 - Fly to Bali.
6 and 7-Bali.
8 - Fly to Flores.
9 - Flores.
10 - Fly to Sumatra (via Denpasar, Bali).
11 - Sumatra.
12 - Full-day trip (with cruise) to Lake Toba.
Day 13 - Back to Jakarta to depart country.
For the travelers with less time, and interest only in Bali, I'd recommend the following 8-day trip.
Day 1 - Arrive Denpasar, Bali. Overnight in either Kuta, Sanur or Nusa Dua, depending on your interests.
2 - Depart in the morning for Ubud, stopping at craft villages along the way. Stroll through town and attend an evening dance performance.
3 - Ubud. Spend the day exploring the surrounding sites and villages.
4 - Depart in the morning for a drive to Batur Volcano and Lake, the Mother Temple and the royal baths at Tirtagangaa. Overnight in either Candidasa or Tulamben.
5 - In Tulamben, spend the morning snorkeling or scuba diving around the offshore wreck of the USS Liberty. Depart in the afternoon for Lovina.
6 - Get up early in the morning to see the dolphins.
7 - Depart Lovina. Head for Kuta, Sanur or Nusa Dua for overnight.
Day 8 - Spend the day shopping and on the beach. Visit the Uluwatu or Tanah Lot temples. Depart in the evening.
If you are able to stay longer in Indonesia, consider extending the stay in Bali one week or adding a week on the islands of Ambon and Sulawesi. Another option would be to spend 3 to 5 days on Bali, travel to Surabaya by bus (or van) and ferry, take a train to Yogyakarta (a daylong trip) and spend a few days there before flying to Denpasar or Jakarta for your departure. Other alternatives include a trip to Komodo Island; a two- or three-day trip to the easternmost major island, Papua, to see the birds and jungles and try its fabulous diving; a four-day trip to Kalimantan to visit the orangutans; or a few days on an excursion to one of the volcanoes. Most travelers see only the major islands and sights and leave satisfied. But if you have lots of time and patience, you can visit literally hundreds of other islands.

Drill of Bahasa Indonesia for Undip

Fair-trade, Fair and Equitable Trade and Relationship Coffee in Indonesia- a Merdeka Coffee view:
1/. Internal (Indonesian specific) Barriers- Indonesia is a country with a huge potential internal consumer base. However at this stage the consumers we target are based in Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali and Bandung. Outside of these cities, the market is very small. The cities mentioned have a combined population of close to perhaps 40 million inhabitants. However our target market is middle to upper-class Indonesians and expatriates- making up perhaps a market as small as 1.5 million potential consumers. Of this number those interested or those whose buying decisions are based solely on our efforts to trade fairly with our partners is probably as little as 10,000 people or less.

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Fair trade, relationship coffee and organic partnerships play an important part in the retail coffee market overseas. As much as 38% of the coffee market in the USA is engaged in some form of certified or direct relationship with growers (fair-trade, organic, shade-grown, bird-friendly etc). In the Indonesian market understanding of relationship coffee and/or fair-trade is weak. This is for a number of reasons- lack of education and understanding of the coffee market is perhaps one major reason. Most urban Indonesians view the agricultural sector as being both remote and removed from their lives. The closest many modern Indonesians come to being in contact with farmers is buying produce in Supermarkets. Wet markets are these days mainly the domain of the modern Indonesians house staff, where produce is purchased. This dislocation affects all sectors of the agricultural community but most directly effects sectors where fair trade pricing could be easily implemented- coffee, chocolate, tobacco etc. While there is a general acceptance that organic, chemical free product has a place in the Indonesian market, the bridge to a fair trade product is harder to cross. Organic coffee is perceived as being good for the consumer (drinker). Shade grown coffee is seen as being good for the environment. Fairly trade coffee is actually good for the drinker, environment and community... so really the focus should be on fair trade. Paying the farmers a decent return for their product results in-
- farmers staying on their land instead of migrating to the cities. - Great coffee. A problem in Indonesia is a lot of the coffee harvested ends up as poorly graded stock. As a result coffee is picked green or let on the trees until over ripe. With decent returns this cycle can be broken. Great coffee= higher demand= better returns to the farmer.
- Economic and social stability. Farmers staying on the land means skills are put back into agricultural practices. Best practices means using natural means to maintain quality crop in harmony with the village. Natural sprays for pest control (such as tobacco) are used to minimize damage to the cherries. Decent returns means the village can build facilities and diversify economic systems (introduce other crops, livestock etc)
- Also maintaining coffee crops, especially in a water catchment area, can help to reduce flooding damage further down on the flat, alluvial plains. In many areas Coffee can be grown under primary or even secondary forest canopy.
The Indonesian domestic market also has a topsy turvy view of local product vs. imported product. A survey we undertook (1) amongst Indonesian customers showed that nearly 85% of Indonesians preferred "coffee grown in Italy" to "coffee grown in Indonesia". Italy grows no coffee. They import green coffee from producing countries such as Indonesia, India, Vietnam etc, roast and then re-export the finished product. When questioned what is important to them as buyers of coffee, "fair-trade" rated 9th out of 10th in regards to importance (10th and of least importance was type of package- tin, box or sachet). In fact when asked about buying "espresso blend" coffee, 90% of all respondents said they would only buy Espresso blended in Italy. A further 9% said they would consider buying "Espresso" blended/roasted in Australia, New Zealand, Japan or China. Less than 1% said they would consider buying/using "any Espresso blended/roasted" in Indonesia. To most respondents important was flavor, followed by aroma, packaging, design. It offers opportunities that benefit everyone through a complex supply chain- including of course the Jakarta based buyer of a cappuccino in Starbucks or Merdeka Coffee.
2/. Eternal Factors:. Fair trade is a principle of great importance for the present and future of coffee in Indonesia. From very positive beginning, in recent years the certification systems have become quite complex, as well as expensive to obtain. Certification through Transfair and similar organizations in the USA and Europe can be very, if not prohibitively expensive for small growers and small cooperatives. Fair trade (as well as 'organic' and 'shade grown') is actually monitored in the large USA market via the FDA. Unless certification is obtained through a FDA approved agency, the words "fair-trade" etc can not be printed on the packaging. However in reality it can prevent a small roaster or US broker from setting up a direct trade system which indeed pays recognized fair-trade prices directly to a grower. In the 15 or so years since fair-trade was established, only 3 Indonesian growers have obtained certification. This is an amazingly low number considering Indonesia is the world's 4th biggest coffee producer. Conversely Costa Rica, the worlds 14th biggest producer, has 75 certified FTL (Fair-trade Label) producers! The reasons for this are that fair-trade is not ideally suited to small-hold or even small cooperative growing groups. The Indonesian certified growers (such as PKGO in Aceh and Gayo Mountain in Aceh) have over 10,000 growers. The number of growers needed to obtain leverage for certification means that coffee ends up being 'pooled' or sourced from large growing areas. Instead of allowing the specific characteristics of coffee grown in a very small growing area to shine through, the big coop system dilutes the real perfection of small-holder grown coffee. This is a flaw with the current approach to fair-trade, one which was designed perhaps to work best with the Finca, or estate growing systems in Central and South America.
While the demands for Arabica coffee grow year on year, the ability of roasters in countries such as the USA to reach growers directly in countries such as Indonesia remain limited. Many growers in Indonesia are located in remote mountain areas. As a result most coffee exporters are located in the big port cities- Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and Semarang. These exporters are not growers but brokers and/or finishers and packagers of raw green bean product. Buyers by default will often go through the contacts that they have in these export cities, not realizing often that these contacts are only exporter/brokers. Ultimately the growers never have a direct interface with the buyers. Most Indonesian coffee growers are producing anywhere from 1000-8000kg a year- in a cooperative/village situation. One container of coffee is 18,000kg of coffee. The coffee must be dried to a minimal moisture content, finished (can include being polished) and of course be packed free of stones, sticks, faulty beans by a pre-agreed screen size into 60kg sacks. While growing and preliminary drying can be achieved at village level, the additional finishing can not- as machinery, technology etc is not available to many communities. If the remote villages did have a direct access to the market and if the machinery to finish and ultimately ship from the growing location was available, then a direct for of fair-trade would for sure be more than a possibility. There are cases in Central America where small-holders can make excellent returns from coffee- due to its rarity, quality and appeal to specialty roasters is Europe, America and Japan.
Overall the domestic market in Indonesia is driven by branding. Branding itself can be split into two segments- the international and the local brand names. Premium branding is seen as being the foreign coffee labels and cafes (Illy, Maxwell House and Lavazza for coffee and Starbucks, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf etc for cafes). These big brand operators globally roast extremely high volumes of coffee. The volumes they deal in often makes direct procurement using certified fair-trade systems impractical. This is not to say these brands do not have their own internal fair/equitable trade systems, however the volumes in question means that often they can not have a direct purchasing system from small hold growers in place, and they need to operate purchasing through a number of local partners and brokers. Therefore it is fairly rare to see retailers in Jakarta selling and educating their clients about fair and equitable trade with brokers. Also as the roasting industry in Indonesia is still mainly focused on producing bulk for the lower end/instant market, there are few roasters who are seen as being educators such as those who are found in specialty markets such as the US and NZ. Ultimately the specialty market in Indonesia is still in its infancy, the move to drinkers buying coffee product based on social issues rather than brand awareness is perhaps still at least 4-5 years away, if not longer!
Local Brand operators such as Excelso, Regal, Kopi Luwak, Brew and Co etc are appealing to a different segment of the market. This segment is very price conscious, and perhaps less well educated, less well paid than those who frequent the international brands. The local segment here is large, growing, but very competitive and perhaps less brand loyal than that found in the Premium Branding segment. Here as mentioned in the first paragraph, there is little concern about the welfare of the farmer and the growing community. The consumers want to enjoy a coffee, cake, meal and socialize. The local café brands also produce locally sourced coffee, so in theory they would be in the best position to champion fair-trade. However the bulk of the coffee blends sold by local producers are Robusta rich, mirroring the taste requirements of the local client base (mainly based on the finely ground Robusta kopi tobruk found in most Indonesian kitchens!). Robusta is still the main coffee type produced in Indonesia, and it certainly is an area where fair-trade struggles to make any impact. The historically flat prices for Robusta, combined with the lack of interest in the coffee from the more political active specialty coffee sector, means that Robusta remains a low price commodity, rather than a product that has value added by roasters skill. The squeeze on pricing for the local café chains, as well as Robusta's role in the equation, means that any concept of fair-trade would struggle in the local sector of the café market in Indonesia.
(1)- Merdeka Coffee- Market Survey. Respondents 500 questioned- Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Bali. 2006.

Drill of Bahasa Indonesia for Unsoed

Indonesia, a Country of thousands of beautiful and exotic Islands, that spark off your imagination with thoughts of fine sandy beaches, huge temple complexes, great diving and the giant dragons of
Komodo. The islands of Indonesia are spread over a vast expanse of ocean and technically speaking is divided by two Continents.
The hustle and bustle of the modern capital Jakarta is like another planet when compared to the traditional Papuan tribes of the Baliem Valley.
Jakarta - Not only is it the largest City in the Country, Jakarta is also the heartbeat. The face of the City is constantly changing due to the construction of new skyscrapers, shopping malls and hotels.

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Jakarta is mainly a business and political City and not really a tourist destination, but the older colonial parts of the City are very interesting and the museums have a lot of fascinating exhibits.
Jakarta, like you would expect, is the most expensive place in Indonesia, as well as the most polluted and most congested. It can be very hard to cope with all of the hustle, dirt, crime and cost, but if you can you will find an exciting City with plenty to offer.
Kota - This is the old Town of Batavia, which was the capital of the Dutch East Indies and the best example of the colonial era in Indonesia. Though much of the old town has been destroyed or demolished over the years, some of the old Colonial buildings are still in active use, and the area has a definite Dutch feel to it.
The centre of the old Town is the pebble stone square known as Taman Fatahillah and this is the key to being able to orientate yourself around the sights of the old Town. The canal of Kali Besar is one block to the west of the square and runs alongside the Ciliwung River. The Chicken market bridge is the last remaining drawbridge from the Dutch era, it is at the north end of the Kali Besar. Buses always come by on their routes and the city train also has a stop here.
Jakarta History Museum - This museum is housed in the old town hall of Batavia, which is on the south side of Taman Fatahillah. It is a well built building, which was originally constructed in 1627 and added to in the early 1700's. It was from here that the Dutch administered their colony, and the cities law courts were also here as well as their main prison compound.
It contains plenty of heavy, carved furniture from the colonial, as well as other memorabilia from the Dutch period. Open, 9am till 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 1,000Rp
Wayang Museum - This museum is also on the Taman Fatahillah, and has a great assortment of
Wayang puppets. It also has examples of puppets from other Countries like Cambodia, China and India.
This building was formerly the museum of old Batavia and was built in 1912 on the site of the former Dutch church which was demolished in 1808 as the Dutchman 'Daendel's' plan to rid the City of its unhealthy areas. In the downstairs courtyard, there are memorials to previous governors who were buried on site. Open, 9am till 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 1,000Rp
Fine Arts Museum - Built in the 1860's, the palace of Justice building is now the Fine arts museum. It has a nice collection of contemporary paintings from prominent artists. They also have some ceramics on show from Chinese items to Majapahit offerings. Open, 9am till 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 1,000Rp
Gereja Sion - This church was built in 1695, and is the oldest Church in Jakarta. It is on Jl Pangeran Jayakarta near the Kota train station. The exterior of the Church is actually pretty plain but inside copper chandeliers, the original organ and the baroque pulpit makes it very appealing. Sunda Kelapa - Just a 10 minute walk from the Taman Fatahillah, the old City port of Sunda Kelapa is full of wonderful Macassar schooners and the brightly coloured sails of these boats make for great viewing. The ships are still a vital means of transporting goods to outlying Islands.

Admission, 250Rp to the dock area.
Maritime Museum - This is an old VOC warehouse that was built in 1645 and is by the entrance
to the Sunda Kelapa. It has examples of Indonesian crafts from around the ages and has photos of the voyages from Europe to Jakarta. The building itself is well worth the visit and the lookout posts are part of the old City wall.
Just before the entrance to the museum proper, is the old watchtower that was built in 1839, it has brilliant views over the harbour. National Museum - This museum, constructed in 1862, is considered the paramount museum in
Indonesia, and one of the finest in South East Asia. It has a huge ethnic and relief maps of Indonesia on which you can track your travels. The museum has a variety of different cultural displays that show a diverse collection of clothing, instruments, model houses and religious items. In addition the museum has a fine collection of Chinese ceramics that even date back to the Han dynasty of the third Century.
The museum is sometimes known as the Elephant house due to the giant bronze elephant that was a gift from the King of Thailand, and that now stands outside. Open, 8.30am till 2.30pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: 750Rp. Guides are around who can conduct tours in various different languages.
National Monument - This 130 metres high monument stands over Merdeka square and is Jakarta's chief landmark. The construction was started in 1961 but was not finished until 1975, when it was officially opened by President Soeharto. At the base is the National History Museum which tells the story of the Indonesian struggle for independence. On national holidays and at the weekends the queues can be long. Admission: 600Rp or 3,100Rp which includes a ride to the top.
Lapangan Banteng - Just east of Merdeka square is this nineteenth century colonial square. It has some of the best examples of Dutch colonial architecture in the whole of Jakarta. The Catholic Cathedral was built at the turn of the twentieth Century, and is opposite the principal place of worship for Jakarta's Muslim community, the Istiqlal Mosque. To the east of the square is the Supreme Court that was built, along with the Ministry of finance, in 1809 by that man 'Daendel' to replace those buildings torn down.

Drill of Bahasa Indonesia for UI

A place that is beautiful, sunny, and home to some of the most exotic tropical seas will definitely house coral reefs and numerous colorful tropical fish and marine objects. This is also the reason that most of the popular beaches across the globe are hot destinations for scuba diving. Scuba diving is a fantastic sport. It allows for excellent amount of adventure, excitement and fun. In case, you are looking forward to going out for a tour in Indonesia, then it would be wise to learn scuba diving. It is not difficult to learn to dive in Indonesia. All tourist areas here have places where you can learn this sport in a short span of time and get ready for some adventure without wasting time.

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If you are in Bali, then you must indulge in scuba diving. The best part is that there are many training centers here that teach you diving. These training centers are reputed and certified too. The usual time span for an intensive scuba diving training course in Bali is 4 days. You will have a lot of fun learning the sport. Most of the dive trainers and operators agree to referral certificates. This means that a student can attend half of the classes of dive training at home and other half in Bali. This means that the training time is reduced to about half. You can also go for special packages to learn to dive in Indonesia. These include pick up from the airport, accommodations, meals and training. These are affordable, informative and great fun to be a part of.